General, Robotic and Reconstructive Urology
Sunnybank | Wesley | Greenslopes

Urology and Men's Health
Dr Andre Joshi
MBBS, MAppSc (Urology), FRACS (Urology), MIPDEd

We are dedicated to providing comprehensive and personalized care to our patients. Using novel surgical techniques and evidence based clinical practice, we are committed to achieving the best outcomes and management for our patients.
Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
Meet Andre
Dr Andre Joshi is a consultant Urologist with advanced sub-specialty training in robotic and reconstructive Urology, with interests in urologic oncology, stone disease, male infertility and endourology.
Andre has a friendly approach to his care and enjoys getting to know his patients, helping them understand their condition and involving them in their care.
After growing up in Singapore and New Zealand, Dr Joshi moved to Australia to complete his formal surgical training across Queensland, becoming a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (Urology) and the Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand (USANZ) in February 2023.
Andre completed further fellowship training at the EAU Robotic Urology Section (ERUS) accredited training centre of Royal Berkshire Hospital in the UK. Here he gained experience in both upper and lower urinary tract robotic surgery including robotic prostatectomy, cystectomy, partial nephrectomy, and urogenital reconstruction. Andre is one of the few Urologists in Australia who performs Retzius sparing prostatectomy for improved early return of urinary continence. While overseas, he completed further training in urethral reconstruction including buccal mucosal graft urethroplasty.
In addition, Andre is very experienced in managing general urological conditions and endourology including prostate, bladder cancer and upper and lower urinary tract stone surgery, including novel procedures for BPH.
Andre holds public appointments at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, QE II Jubilee Hospital and the Surgical Treatment and Rehabilitation Service (STARs).
Andre is always happy to be contacted for any clinical queries and discussion.

How Can We Help You?
General Urology and Men's Health
Management of male and female lower urinary tract symptoms
Erectile dysfunction
Robotic Surgery and Uro-oncology
Urethral reconstruction
Prostate cancer diagnostics
​Male continence surgery
Stone disease and prevention
Male Infertility